League Brand Guidelines

One Voice

LinkedIn Promote our events and share news as helping members do their jobs better, be an authoritative source on the channel for latest/news/ideas, etc. Voice: Professional, trusted, motivational, informative/aspirational, easy-to-read copy that prompts to read more/follow a link. Hashtags: #MMLeague #[year]CapCon #Conv[year]. Ex: #2023CapCon #Conv23 Examples #1 The Michigan Municipal League’s legislative team spoke at our 2023 CapCon about legislative issues and activity that are top of mind for our member communities. Here is a video with some highlights [post link]. #2 The League has a new member of our Board of Trustees. Khalfani Stephens, Deputy Mayor of Pontiac, has joined our Board. Stephens joins us as a seasoned government administration professional with direct experience at the local, county, and state levels. He is a strong supporter of community service, a member of the League’s Municipal Finance Committee, and is an active participant in the Urban Core Mayors in both his roles in Flint and Pontiac. Read our full press release here: [post link] #MMLeague #3 The Tri-City Region (Bay CIty, Saginaw, and Midland) has created an Art Passport marking public art in municipalities and on college campuses! Helping those in your community access arts and culture is a great example of community wealth building. Learn more: http://bit.ly/3XKh0Ms #MMLeague #BayCity #Saginaw #Midland #publicart

MAY 2024


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