League Brand Guidelines
Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, etc.
Capitalization —For headlines and first headers, follow headline-style capitalization: • Capitalize the first and last words regardless of type; all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, some conjunctions. • Lowercase the articles the , a , and an . • Lowercase prepositions of all lengths unless they are used adverbially or adjectively ( Look Up , Turn Down ). • For second and third headers or those with punctuation, use sentence-style capitalization. Commas —In a series of related words or topics, place the comma before the and (following Chicago Style) like this: we love where you live, play, and enjoy. But in press releases, follow AP Style and do not place the comma before the and . When an ampersand is used instead of the word and , the serial comma is not used. Dangling Modifier —A modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about something. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. We want to avoid dangling modifiers. Ex of a dangling modifier: Walking up to the haunted house, a black cat dashed under the porch. The rule is that whatever is being modified (the doer, or the subject, of the main clause before the comma) must be the first word after the comma. In the example above, the black cat is not the one walking up to the house! We should re-write the sentence like this: Walking up to the haunted house, I saw a black cat dash under the porch . Or: Seeing me walk up to the haunted house, a black cat dashed under the porch. • Lowercase the conjunctions and, but, for, or , and nor . • Lowercase to as part of an infinitive ( to Run, to Vote ).
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