League Brand Guidelines
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
State and Federal Affairs (SFAD) continued
Housing Michigan Coalition —The Housing Michigan Coalition consists of community, business, and government organizations whose efforts support increasing housing supply and affordability. Their work aims to drive consensus policy changes and discussions that can lead to positive outcomes within a one-year timeline. Municipal Caucus —This is a caucus of state legislators who have local government backgrounds. The League is the coordinator of this caucus. Internal Policy Committees • Municipal Finance Committee • Economic Development and Land Use Committee (we use EDLUC internally) • Municipal Services Committee o Elections Subcommittee o Public Safety Subcommittee • Transportation, Infrastructure and Technology Committee • Energy and Environment Committee Core Legislative Principles —The guiding principles of the League’s legislative work. These are principles the League creates, and they are updated and approved annually by our League Board of Trustees at their summer retreat and then approved by the full League membership during the Annual Meeting that takes place at Convention. Session —SFAD uses this term internally and it means when the House and Senate are actively in Lansing conducting legislative business. We also use the term in-district , which means the legislators are not in session, but they are in their home districts doing legislative business.
MAY 2024
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