League Brand Guidelines

League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships

Marketing and Communications (MarComm) • The Marketing and Communications team of the League, known as MarComm, includes the League’s events, marketing, communications, and design staff. The League uses an array of communications tools to ensure our community leaders have the resources and knowledge needed to best serve their constituents. Our aim is to keep local leaders in the know on everything from legislative maneuverings to groundbreaking research. We use traditional channels, such as a print magazine and press releases, and a host of other platforms, including social media and a streaming show called Live with the League , that our members can regularly access to obtain the latest news in local government or be inspired as they develop custom solutions for their communities. • Events o The events team is responsible for the coordination of nearly all League events, including our two major annual events: CapCon and Convention. o While CapCon is short for Capitol Conference, we use CapCon on all references. The event is legislative focused and takes place annually in the late winter or early spring in Lansing. o Convention is our annual conference that moves around the state and takes place in late summer or early fall. As part of the location rotation, the conference takes place at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island every four years. • Marketing —Markets League services and programs. • Design —Handles the visual, digital, and creative products of the League.

MAY 2024


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