League Brand Guidelines
Animated publication
2024 Brand Guidelines
MAY 2024
Table of Contents
Foundation Full-Color Logo on Background Color Foundation One-Color Logo on Background Color Foundation Logo on Photography Primary Risk Management Logo Risk Management Example Ad Primary Risk Management Logo: Co-branding with MML Horizontal Logo Risk Management Full-Color Logo on Background Color Risk Management One-Color Logo on Background Color Risk Management Logo on Photography Risk Management Logo
Meet Our Brand
3 4 5
What We Do
Our Voice
37 38 39 40 41
Design Elements
The League Brand Colors
Acceptable Primary Color Combinations Acceptable Secondary Color Combinations
8 9
Primary and Horizontal Logos
Primary Logo
10 11 12 13 16 17 18
Logo Mark
Horizontal Logo
Full-Color Logo on Backgrounds One-Color Logo on Backgrounds
46 47
The League Brand Photography The League Photography Style
Logo Acceptable Use Logo Unacceptable Use
48–49 50–51
The League Brand Assets
Brand Tagline Brand Fonts
The League Brand Assets: Line Art
19–21 22–23
Writing Elements & Terminology
Brand Typography Brand Architecture
Writing Guide & Department Terminology
Sub-branding Lock Ups
Department Terminology
54–56 57–68 69–72
Foundation Logo
28 29 30
Departments, Programs, and Partnerships Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, etc.
Primary Foundation Logo Horizontal Foundation Logo:
Co-branding with MML Horizontal Logo Foundation Example Ad
Preferred Language
74–75 76–83
One Voice
Meet Our Brand
Thank you for using the Michigan Municipal League brand design guidelines. This important document will help ensure consistent use of the brand components that make up the League brand universe and impact all brand touchpoints. The rules that dictate the League brand should be shared and followed by internal staff, external agencies, and related entities in order to build one experience across all areas we represent. We appreciate your compliance. Our Mission The Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities.
MAY 2024
What We Do
Educate Our education programming is designed to bring forth new ideas informed by our research so that local leaders are on the cutting edge of municipal operations and service delivery. Advocate Our advocacy is focused on raising the voice of Michigan municipalities that serve as first responders for every facet of civilian life for Michigan’s 10 million residents. Inspire We strive to be a source of inspiration for our members by showcasing stories from home and abroad that demonstrate the full power of public service as a force for good in Peoples’ lives.
MAY 2024
Our Voice
The League’s voice is uplifting, inspirational, conversational, cooperative, informative, optimistic, respectful, and assured.
Make communications sound like a conversation between two people. • Let us tell you about the work we put into next year’s program; you’ll love it! • We keep you connected with the latest in legislative news so you never miss a beat!
Be active and not passive. • Active: The House passed the bill. • Passive: The bill was passed by the House.
Evoke positivity, collaboration, and mutual participation toward shared goals. • Together, we can make a difference this year.
Be supportive, uplifting, and reassuring. • We did it! The League is pleased that communities will benefit from all of our collective work.
MAY 2024
The League Brand Colors
The League Primary Colors
DARK BLUE PANTONE: 288 C CMYK: 100, 87, 27, 19
LIGHT BLUE PANTONE: 632 C CMYK: 82, 30, 20, 0
ORANGE PANTONE: 166 C CMYK: 8, 76, 100, 0
RGB: 0, 45, 116 WEB: #002D74
RGB: 0, 143, 179 WEB: #008FB3
RGB: 224, 94, 0 WEB: #E05E00
The League Secondary Colors
GREEN PANTONE: 335 C CMYK: 89, 32, 71, 18
YELLOW PANTONE: 1235 C CMYK: 0, 27, 100, 0 RGB: 255, 190, 0 WEB: #FFBE00
PURPLE PANTONE: 269 C CMYK: 76, 93, 31, 20
RED PANTONE: 485 C CMYK: 4, 96, 100, 0
RGB: 0, 115, 92 WEB: #00735C
RGB: 74, 33, 96 WEB: #4A2160
RGB: 228, 42, 17 WEB: #E42A11
The League Background and Type Colors
WHITE CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 0 RGB: 255, 255, 255 WEB: #FFFFFF
CREAM CMYK: 4, 3, 8, 0 RGB: 242, 240, 231 WEB: #F2F0E7
95% BLACK CMYK: 0, 0, 0, 95 RGB: 51, 49, 50 WEB: #323132
MAY 2024
Acceptable Primary Color Combinations At the League, it is important that everything we do is accessible to everyone. We strive to reach the highest standards for ADA compliance in all our marketing and communication materials. Shown here are color combinations and point size requirements for typography using the League primary brand colors.
DARK BLUE Dark Blue text on White any size Dark Blue text on Cream any size White text on Dark Blue any size Cream text on Dark Blue any size Yellow text on Dark Blue any size Orange text on Dark Blue ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Light Blue text on Dark Blue ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger
LIGHT BLUE Light Blue text on White ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Light Blue text on Cream ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger White text on Light Blue ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Cream text on Light Blue ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Dark Blue text on Light Blue ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger
ORANGE Orange text on White ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Orange text on Cream ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger White text on Orange ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Cream text on Orange ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Blue text on Orange ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger
MAY 2024 As of August 2023
Acceptable Secondary Color Combinations At the League, it is important that everything we do is accessible to everyone. We strive to reach the highest standards for ADA compliance in all our marketing and communication materials. Shown here are color combinations and point size requirements for typography using the League secondary brand colors.
CREAM Dark Blue text on Cream any size
PURPLE Purple text on White any size Purple text on Cream any size White text on Purple any size Cream text on Purple any size Yellow text on Purple any size Orange text on Purple ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Light Blue text on Purple ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger GREEN Green text on White any size Green text on Cream any size White text on Green any size Cream text on Green any size Yellow text on Green ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger
95% BLACK TEXT (used in The Review )
95% BLACK text on White any size 95% BLACK text on Cream any size
Purple text on Cream any size
RED Red text on White any size White text on Red any size Red text on Cream ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Cream text on Red ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Green text on Cream any size Red text on Cream ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Orange text on Cream ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger Light Blue text on Cream ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger
YELLOW Dark Blue text on Yellow any size Purple text on Yellow any size Green text on Yellow ONLY bold and 14 pt or larger
MAY 2024 As of August 2023
The League Primary and Horizontal Logos
The first iteration of the current League logo was introduced in 2008. Since then, it has been refined with refreshed colors and modernized font.
Primary (preferred) Logo
Horizontal Logo See page 12 for when to use this version.
MAY 2024
The League Primary Logo
Our logo is based on simple shapes. Optical kerning, refined proportions, and delineated placement in relation to the other elements help to make the logo instantly recognizable in all contexts.
• Always use the logo files provided. • Do not re-create or alter the logo.
Clear space Ideal clear space is the width of the double m inside the mark.
Primary Logo Minimum Size The minimum size for the primary logo is .625 inches high.
Exception to Minimum Size In instances such as a business card or small piece of merchandise such as a pen, it is acceptable to downsize the logo to fit the limited space.
MAY 2024
The League Logo Mark
The League logo mark is a circle with the abbreviation MML, which stands for Michigan Municipal League.
When to Use the Logo Mark • When space only allows for the mark, such as social media posts. • When the design layout only needs a hint of our branding. • When used in conjuncture with the CapCon or Convention logos.
Clear space Ideal clear space is the width of the double m inside the mark.
Logo Mark Minimum Size The minimum size for the logo mark is .625 inches high.
MAY 2024
The League Horizontal Logo
The League horizontal logo is an alternative to the primary logo and can be used in the circumstances listed below.
When to Use the Horizontal Logo • Co-branding with either the Foundation or Risk Management horizontal logos. • In applications where the primary logo will not fit, i.e., merchandise such as an ink pen.
Clear Space Ideal clear space is the width of the double m inside the mark.
Primary Logo Minimum Size The minimum size for the horizontal logo is .375 inches high.
Exception to Minimum Size In instances such as a business card or small piece of merchandise such as a pen, it is acceptable to downsize the logo to fit the limited space.
MAY 2024
The League Full-Color Logo on Backgrounds
There are different versions of the full-color logo to use depending on the background.
Full-Color Logo Background Color Usage • The full-color logo can be used on white or the MML cream background. • It may also be used on a section of photograph that is almost white or cream.
MAY 2024
The League One-Color Logo on Backgrounds
One-Color Logo—White
There are different versions of the one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The one-color logo should only be used on photographs and color backgrounds within the League color palette.
Dark Blue #002D74
Light Blue #008FB3
Orange #E05E00
Green #00735C
Purple #4A2160
Red #E42A11
MAY 2024
The League One-Color Logo on Backgrounds
One-Color Logo—Black
There are different versions of the one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage If using white or the MML cream background color, consider using the full-color logo. If printing restrictions don't allow for full-color use, then the MML dark blue is the preferred logo version.
Cream #F2F0E7
Light Blue #008FB3
Orange #E05E00
One-Color Logo—Dark Blue
MAY 2024
The League Logo Acceptable Use
Do • Use the logo in it's original dimensions. • Use the logo at least at its minimum size requirement. • Maintain the ideal clear space around the logo.
MAY 2024
The League Logo Unacceptable Use
Do Not
Do not stretch or alter the original logo dimensions.
Do not use the logo smaller than its minimum allowed size.
Do not encroach on the ideal clear space around the logo.
Do not change the placement of the text.
Copy is too close to logo
Do not tilt the logo
Do not crop the logo
Do not use different colors
Do not use the logos on unapproved background colors or photos.
Do not use drop shadows or any other effects
Do not re-create the logo using a different typeface
michigan municipal league
MAY 2024
Brand Tagline
Archer is the font we use to display our brand tagline. The creative team is the only group that has access to this font and has placed graphics/images of the brand tagline on The Dash that can be downloaded.
We love where you live.
MAY 2024
The League Brand Fonts
Archer We use Archer for our brand tagline, headlines, and graphics.
Archer Bold Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Semibold Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Medium Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Book Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Light Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Archer Bold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Semibold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Medium a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Book a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Archer Light a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
MAY 2024
The League Brand Fonts
Campton We use Campton for our body copy, logo type, and subheadings.
Campton Black a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Extra Bold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Bold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton SemiBold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Medium a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Book a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Light a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Thin a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Campton Black Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Extra Bold Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Bold Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton SemiBold Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Medium Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Book Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Light Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Campton Thin Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
MAY 2024
The League Brand System Font
Arial Use Arial when creating documents and presentations using Microsoft Office applications, such as PowerPoint, Word, and Publisher.
Arial Black a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Bold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Regular a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Narrow Bold a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Narrow a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
Arial Black Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Bold Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Bold Narrow Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z Arial Narrow Italic a b c d e f g h i g k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z
MAY 2024
The League Brand Typography
Sample Headline Sample Headline
H1 Archer Bold, 30/50
H2 Archer Bold, 20/30
H3 Archer Bold, 17/20
Sample Headline
H4 Archer Bold, 14/17
Sample Headline
Sample Headline The Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities.
Headline with Paragraph Style
MAY 2024
The League Brand Typography
Body Copy • Font: Campton Book. • Left justified. • Size 9 pt text with 12 pt leading for all standard marketing collateral and communications.
Example The Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities. Do Not Do not full-justify body copy in order to avoid inconsistent gaps between words.
• Refer to pages 7–8 for ADA standards and allowable color treatments and sizes. • The minimum shade of black text is 95%.
The Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities. “ Our advocacy is focused on raising the voice of Michigan municipalities that serve as first responders for every facet of civilian life for Michigan’s 10 million residents. ”
Pull Quote • Font: Archer Book. • Left justified. • Hanging left quotation mark— can be larger than quote.
MAY 2024
The League Brand Architecture
Primary League, Foundation, Risk Management Logos
League Programs & Services Brand Identifiers (IDs)
MAY 2024
The League Sub-branding Lock Ups
MAY 2024
Foundation Sub-branding Lock Ups
MAY 2024
Risk Management Sub-branding Lock Ups
MAY 2024
Foundation Logo
Horizontal For use when co-branding with MML. See page 30 for guidelines on pairing the two logos.
MAY 2024
Primary Foundation Logo
The primary Foundation logo combines the League’s horizontal logo with Foundation.
Foundation Logo Minimum Size The minimum size for the Foundation logo is .375 inches high.
Clear Space Ideal clear space is the width of the double m inside the mark.
Exception to Minimum Size In instances such as a business card or small piece of merchandise such as a pen, it is acceptable to downsize the logo to fit the limited space.
MAY 2024
Horizontal Foundation Logo: Co-branding with MML Horizontal Logo
When the Foundation and the League are partnered in their communications, then both logos will be used with the guidelines established below.
MML and Foundation Horizontal Logos • The Foundation logo has been adjusted to remove "michigan municipal league" below it, when it is used in conjunction with the MML horizontal logo. • Never pair the MML primary logo with the Foundation horizontal logo.
• Both logos will align horizontally. • Both logos will be the same height.
• The same clear space requirements apply. • Ideal clear space between the logos is one word mark in between them.
MAY 2024
Foundation Example Ad
MAY 2024
Foundation Full-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Foundation full-color logo to use depending on the background.
Full-Color Logo Background Color Usage The full-color logo can be used on white or the MML cream background.
MAY 2024
Foundation One-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Foundation one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Foundation orange logo should only be used on white and MML cream.
One-Color Logo—Orange
Cream #F2F0E7
MAY 2024
Foundation One-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Foundation one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo—White
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Foundation white logo should only be used on photographs and color backgrounds within the League color palette.
Orange #E05E00
Light Blue #008FB3
Dark Blue #002D74
Green #00735C
Purple #4A2160
MAY 2024
Foundation One-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Foundation one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Foundation dark blue logo can be used on white and MML cream.
One-Color Logo—Dark Blue
Cream #F2F0E7
MAY 2024
Foundation One-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Foundation one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Foundation black logo should only be used on white, MML cream, MML orange and MML light blue.
One-Color Logo—Black
Cream #F2F0E7
Light Blue #008FB3
Orange #E05E00
MAY 2024
Foundation Logo on Photography
The Foundation logo may be used on a background photo with high contrast to the chosen logo.
Do not use a photo that is too busy with not enough contrast with the logo.
MAY 2024
Risk Management Logo
Horizontal For use when co-branding with MML. See page 41 for guidelines on pairing the two logos.
MAY 2024
Primary Risk Management Logo
The Primary Risk Management logo combines the League's horizontal logo with Risk Management.
Risk Management Logo Minimum Size The minimum size for the Risk Management logo is .375 inches high.
Clear Space Ideal clear space is the width of the double m inside the mark.
Exception to Minimum Size In instances such as a business card, or small piece of merchandise such as a pen, it is acceptable to downsize the logo to fit the limited space.
MAY 2024
Risk Management Example Ad
Where danger meets opportunity.
Where danger meets opportunity.
Local Government Risk Management
Local Government Risk Management You Own It One great thing about the Michigan Municipal League’s Risk Management services is that they are owned and controlled by members of the program. Our programs provide long-term, stable, and cost-effective insurance for League members and associate members. Learn more here: https: // mml.org / programs-services / risk-management / .
You Own It One great thing about the Michigan Municipal League’s Risk Management services is that they are owned and controlled by members of the program. Our programs provide long-term, stable, and cost-effective insurance for League members and associate members. Learn more here: https: // mml.org / programs-services / risk-management / .
We love where you live.
We love where you live.
MAY 2024
Primary Risk Management Logo: Co-branding with MML Horizontal Logo
When Risk Management and MML are partnered in their communications, then both logos will be used with the guidelines established below.
Combination of logos • The Risk Management logo has been adjusted to remove "michigan municipal league" below it, when it is used in
conjunction with the MML horizontal logo. • Never pair the MML primary logo with the Risk Management horizontal logo. • Both logos will align horizontally. • Both logos will be the same height. • The same clear space requirements apply. • Ideal clear space between the logos is one word mark in between them.
MAY 2024
Risk Management Full-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Risk Management full-color logo to use depending on the background.
Full-Color Logo Background Color Usage The full-color logo can be used on white or the MML cream background.
MAY 2024
Risk Management One-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Risk Management one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo—White
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Risk Management white logo should only be used on photographs and color backgrounds within the League color palette.
Orange #E05E00
Dark Blue #002D74
Light Blue #008FB3
Green #00735C
Purple #4A2160
MAY 2024
Risk Management One-Color Logo on Background Color
There are different versions of the Risk Management one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Risk Management dark blue logo should only be used on white and MML cream.
One-Color Logo—Dark Blue
Cream #F2F0E7
MAY 2024
Risk Management One-Color Logo on Background Color
One-Color Logo Background Color Usage The Risk Management black logo should only be used on white, MML cream, MML light blue, MML orange and MML yellow. There are different versions of the Risk Management one-color logo to use depending on the background.
One-Color Logo—Black
Cream #F2F0E7
Orange #E05E00
Light Blue #008FB3
MAY 2024
Risk Management Logo on Photography
Do not use a photo that is too busy with not enough contrast with the logo.
The Risk Management logo may be used on a background photo with high contrast to the chosen logo.
MAY 2024
The League Brand Photography
Guidelines for Photography There should be a sense of equality, diversity, and belonging displayed through the photography. Stock photography should match the tone of the League's image catalog and show movement and evoke the below qualities: • Content Disposition/Facial Expressions • Diverse Michigan Communities (small & large) • Diversity (age, gender, color, abilities) • Humble & Authentic (not staged) • Human Interaction • Inspirational • Light Hearted & Soft • Vibrant Spaces • Wholesome & Fulfilling Lifestyles (evoking movement)
MAY 2024
The League Photography Style
MAY 2024
The League Photography Style
MAY 2024
The League Brand Assets
Objects & Graphics Our supportive objects are simple and dimensional. Ideally they clearly relate to the content they accompany, and are used as a supportive piece to visually represent the message. Graphics can be a powerful tool within the branding guidelines. Our graphics make complex ideas more accessible, represent our brand personality, voice, and what we do in an efficient and clear way and create an emotional connection between our members and our brand.
MAY 2024
The League Brand Assets
The Review 1 2 3
We love where you live
18 99 18 99 We love where you live. 18 99
MAY 2024
The League Brand Assets: Line Art
michigan municipal league Resources & Research Programs & Services Education & Events Resources & Research Advocacy News
MAY 2024
Michigan Municipal League Writing Guide & Department Terminology
Overall Styles Chicago Style: In nearly all documents, we follow Chicago Manual of Style 16th Edition, which includes things like the Oxford comma before the and in a series of three or more items. The exception is material for the media/press. AP Style: We use Associated Press (AP) Style in materials for the media, such as press releases, press statements, news advisories, etc. AP Style does not, for example, use the Oxford comma before the and in a series of three or more items.
League and Foundation Terms • Michigan Municipal League —Spell out on first reference.
o Mission Statement: The Michigan Municipal League is dedicated to making Michigan’s communities better by thoughtfully innovating programs, energetically connecting ideas and people, actively serving members with resources and services, and passionately inspiring positive change for Michigan’s greatest centers of potential: its communities. • The League —On second and subsequent references. We do not use MML on second reference for the most part, unless it’s referencing the Michigan Municipal League Foundation on second reference (see below). • The League is run by a Board of Trustees and is led by a Board President and Vice President. The League Board of Trustees members should be referred to as Trustees.
MAY 2024
Department Terminology
• Michigan Municipal League Foundation —Abbreviated to MML Foundation or The Foundation on second and subsequent references. Do not use MMLF in external facing spaces. • The MML Foundation is run by a Board of Directors and is led by a Chair and Vice Chair. MML Foundation Board members should be referred to as Directors. • When we describe the MML Foundation , we say that we are the philanthropic arm of the League. We don’t say we are the nonprofit because, technically, the League itself is a nonprofit organization (just an ‘unusual’ nonprofit). We also don’t call ourselves a charity. • When talking about the history of the Foundation , please lean towards describing our early years as “focused on the education of local elected 0s.” Sometimes the Foundation is talked about as having “not done much until recently” or “was just a pass through for grants for a long time.” This usually comes up in face-to-face meetings, not publications. • Grantees or grant partners —Not winners/awardees. • Grant partners —Used to refer to grant funders, unless it is specifically a sponsor. We prefer to use the term grant partner instead of donor or sponsor . • Granting/grant giving/re-granting —We prefer not to use this term when talking about funding we receive that is then transformed into grants for communities; instead, say we have grant opportunities for communities or that we give grants . • Website —https://mmlfoundation.org/
MAY 2024
Department Terminology
Foundation Programs Bridge Builders Microgrants
The Bridge Builders Microgrants program offers small one-time grants for creative projects in Michigan Municipal League member communities. Projects are intentionally collaborative, bringing together neighbors, artists, business owners, elected officials, and more. These grants support dynamic, engaging activities that bring people out of their homes and into their communities. • Main Street Microgrants —One-time grants of up to $5,000 for collaborative, creative projects in League member communities that bring together local artists and businesses in downtowns across Michigan. • Neighborhood Microgrants —One-time grants of up to $1,000 for collaborative, creative projects or events in League member communities that build bridges across the community by bringing people together.
The Local Innovation For Tomorrow (LIFT) Initiative empowers civic leaders and institutions to improve the human experience in Michigan communities. • This is an initiative and not a fund.
MAY 2024
Department Terminology
MI Water Navigator A League and MML Foundation program. When referring to the program out loud, it is MY Water Navigator not Michigan Water Navigator. The program aims to help communities find water infrastructure funding with our technical assistance helpdesk, grants and funding database, and free tools and resources. • MI Water Navigator Helpdesk —Can be referred to as the Helpdesk . Helpdesk should be one word.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
MAM—Michigan Association of Mayors • The Michigan Association of Mayors (MAM) is the official nonpartisan organization of Michigan's chief elected officials. Representing over 100 Michigan communities, MAM works to assist the chief elected officials of cities, villages, and urban townships; advance the various interests and operations of communities represented by its members and all Michigan communities; promote cooperation among communities statewide; and advocate local interests at the state and federal level. • Michigan Association of Mayors (MAM) has a Board of Directors; board members should be referred to as Directors. • Their annual meeting (where they elect officers) takes place during Convention. • Website: https://michiganmayors.org/ MAMA—Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys • The Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys (MAMA) is a specialized organization that provides a variety of services for municipal attorneys practicing in Michigan. Through MAMA’s partnership with the Michigan Municipal League, Michigan’s communities are strengthened. • Michigan Association of Municipal Attorneys (MAMA) has a Board of Directors. • Website: https://mama-online.org/
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Affiliates continued
MBC-LEO—Michigan Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials • The purpose of the Michigan Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials (MBC-LEO) is to provide a forum for its members to collaborate, network, coach, mentor, share information, and provide support to one another in the state of Michigan. The Caucus works in cooperation with the Michigan Municipal League. Membership of MBC-LEO is comprised of local elected officials and municipal staff members and associates in the state of Michigan. • MBC-LEO has an Executive Board board members should be referred to as Officers. • Their annual meeting (where they elect officers) takes place during CapCon. • Website: http://mbc-leo.org/ MME—Michigan Municipal Executives • The Michigan Municipal Executives (MME) works to provide members professional development, support their personal growth, and promote the municipal executive profession in Michigan. In service to its members and their communities, MME seeks to enhance management excellence, continuous improvement, and high ethical standards.
• MME has a Board of Directors. • Website: https://www.mme.org/
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Affiliates continued
MWIMG—Michigan Woman in Municipal Government • Michigan Women in Municipal Government (MWIMG) is governed by a Board of Directors, sometimes referred to as the MWIMG Board . Over the years, they have offered retreats, training, and events.
• MWIMG typically holds a membership meeting at CapCon and Convention. • Their five-member Board includes three officers (President, VP, and Secretary) and two at-large Directors.
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League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Marketing and Communications (MarComm) • The Marketing and Communications team of the League, known as MarComm, includes the League’s events, marketing, communications, and design staff. The League uses an array of communications tools to ensure our community leaders have the resources and knowledge needed to best serve their constituents. Our aim is to keep local leaders in the know on everything from legislative maneuverings to groundbreaking research. We use traditional channels, such as a print magazine and press releases, and a host of other platforms, including social media and a streaming show called Live with the League , that our members can regularly access to obtain the latest news in local government or be inspired as they develop custom solutions for their communities. • Events o The events team is responsible for the coordination of nearly all League events, including our two major annual events: CapCon and Convention. o While CapCon is short for Capitol Conference, we use CapCon on all references. The event is legislative focused and takes place annually in the late winter or early spring in Lansing. o Convention is our annual conference that moves around the state and takes place in late summer or early fall. As part of the location rotation, the conference takes place at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island every four years. • Marketing —Markets League services and programs. • Design —Handles the visual, digital, and creative products of the League.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Marketing and Communications (MarComm) continued
• Business Alliance Program (BAP) o The Business Alliance Program (BAP) connects businesses and municipalities throughout Michigan. The BAP offers opportunities in print and digital advertising; speaking and presenting opportunities at League events; publishing opportunities in the League magazine, The Review ; and more. o It is not a membership program; it is a participation program . o Those in BAP are not members, they are participants . • The Review Magazine —The official print publication of the League that is published six times a year.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Membership • 16/50 Project —A League project that is made possible with support from the MML Foundation. It seeks to remove barriers and provide training to increase the number of women in leadership roles in local government. It was launched in the spring of 2018. The name of the program refers to how only about 16 percent of local chief administrative officers are women, even though they make up more than 50 percent of the state’s population. As of spring 2023, the program has helped grow the percentage of women leaders in municipal government to 21 percent. o Program should be formally referred to as the 16/50 Project . It includes the Women’s Municipal Leadership Program (WMLP) . o WMLP graduates—Graduates of this program (not 16/50 graduates). • Community Excellence Award (CEA) —A single award winner each year, presented at Convention after voting by event attendees. • Elected Officials Academy (EOA) —Can also be referred to as EOA on second reference. It’s governed by the EOA Board of Directors with Board Members. • Executive Search —This is a service the League provides to assist communities in finding and hiring various municipal positions, such as city manager, police chief, department of public works director, and more. The executive search service is a resource offered to strengthen the quality of municipal government and administration through successful placement of public leaders. The League is invested in the community before, during, and after the search. • Wage & Salary —Also called the Wage and Salary Survey . This survey is conducted by the League for the benefit of our member communities. It’s intended to be used by management employees, their designees, or elected officials working on behalf of member communities for official city/village/township business. • Women’s Municipal Leadership Program —A program that is part of the 16/50 Project.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Michigan Green Communities (MGC) Michigan Green Communities (MGC) is a statewide network of local and state government staff and officials, and higher education institution staff who collaborate with one another, through peer learning and information sharing, to promote innovative sustainability, climate change, and environmental justice solutions at the local, state, regional, national, and international levels. MGC is led by a steering committee comprised of local government leaders and representatives from partnering state agencies and statewide organizations. • Michigan Green Communities Challenge o We use the term communities or municipalities when referring to the participants because they can be cities, villages, townships, or counties. o We have several partners on this program, and that’s how we refer to them (state agencies, other associations). o We use the term participants when talking about the roughly 45 communities who participate in the MGC Challenge. o We use the term network members when we refer to the larger group of communities, non-profits, and other related groups who get our outreach materials.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Policy Research Labs • SaveMICity —This was an initiative related to fixing the state’s broken system for funding municipalities. The League sunset this program, and we no longer reference it. • ServeMICity —A League and Foundation program and service that helps our member communities navigate new recovery and infrastructure funding. When we are talking about ServeMICity services, we use the terms technical assistance, grant navigation help, training , and technical resources . • Pattern Book Homes —Shorthand for our publication This Used to Be Normal: Pattern Book Homes for the 21st Century . We partner and co-brand this document (and all outreach materials) with the Michigan Economic Development Corporation. • Redevelopment Ready Communities (RRC) —This is a Michigan Economic Development Corporation (MEDC) program (not our title). The League partners with them on it, and when we talk about it (in writing or presentations) we talk about partnering with MEDC in providing predevelopment assistance, architecture, and engineering assistance . We use their RRC branding for the program on any public materials, but all contracts we do with consultants through this are just between the League and the consultant and have all our language/logos. • Local Economies —Also sometimes called Equitable Entrepreneurship or just the Wilson project . Local Economies is the umbrella term for this project work. No unique brand, logo, etc., but whenever we talk about this work, we need to say we are funded by the Ralph C. Wilson Foundation.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Risk Management Services • Risk Management Services : Also sometimes informally called our insurance department, this is a division of the League that aims to provide long-term, stable, cost-effective insurance for the League’s members and associate members. The Risk Management department administers two statewide self-insured programs: Michigan Municipal League Liability and Property Pool and the Michigan Municipal League Workers’ Compensation Fund. • The Michigan Municipal League Workers’ Compensation Fund is run by a Board of Trustees and is led by a Chair and Vice Chair. Note that the apostrophe comes after the s in workers’ . It may be shortened to MML Workers’ Compensation Fund. • The Michigan Municipal League Liability & Property Pool is run by a Board of Directors and is led by a Chair and Vice Chair. The ampersand is part of the name and should be used. It may be shortened to MML Liability & Property Pool. • Law Enforcement Action Forum —Also MML Law Enforcement Action Forum and LEAF on second references, depending on context and previous usage. This group provides specialized risk management information to law enforcement leadership of the League’s member communities. The LEAF Committee is made up of police chiefs, sheriffs, and public safety directors from agencies of all sizes around the state who work closely with League Loss Control staff to develop and maintain the Law Enforcement Risk Control Manual, a comprehensive collection of model policies accompanied by a rich library of related resource material. The LEAF quarterly newsletter offers in-depth analyses, updates, and guidance on selected law enforcement topics, often timely issues of the day.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
Risk Management Services continued
• Preferred terms related to Risk Management Services: o Member contributions instead of premiums , though the term premiums is OK in some instances where it makes what we are talking about clearer. o Group self-insurance or group self-insurance programs rather than insurance ; they are never referred to as companies . o Member equity returns is preferred over dividends , but dividends is OK where shorter and simpler makes sense. o Net equity instead of surplus , though, like dividends , it’s OK to use in some instances.
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
State and Federal Affairs (SFAD) State and Federal Affairs or SFAD for short. This is the League’s legislative advocacy department. While they are lobbyists, we typically don’t use that word and instead call them legislative advocates or legislative associates or our legislative team . We use the SFAD initialism internally and occasionally for external things, like Live with the League , but generally speaking, in text we don’t use SFAD . • Urban Core Mayors (UCM) —A group of 13 mayors from Michigan’s largest urban communities that meets regularly to discuss and take action on common issues and concerns. The group is considered the voice of Michigan’s urban centers. Members are from Ann Arbor, Battle Creek, Bay City, Dearborn, Detroit, Flint, Grand Rapids, Jackson, Kalamazoo, Lansing, Muskegon, Pontiac, and Saginaw. Since 1992, the 13 mayors have joined to share information on key issues and seek policy changes at the state level that can help them drive successful regional economies. o Website: https://urbancoremayors.org/ • City Business Collaborative (CBC) —This group is being sunset, but still may come up in conversation. • Coalition for a Strong and Prosperous Michigan —This is a coalition of municipal, non-profit, and business organizations and individuals that actively works to advance a bold vision to build our state's future and strategically invest in our residents, entrepreneurs, businesses, and communities. The Coalition believes by working together, Michigan can be a magnet for talent, revive and strengthen our economy now and into the future, and support thriving communities that all can enjoy. o Website: https://www.miroadmap.com/
MAY 2024
League Departments, Programs, and Partnerships
State and Federal Affairs (SFAD) continued
Housing Michigan Coalition —The Housing Michigan Coalition consists of community, business, and government organizations whose efforts support increasing housing supply and affordability. Their work aims to drive consensus policy changes and discussions that can lead to positive outcomes within a one-year timeline. Municipal Caucus —This is a caucus of state legislators who have local government backgrounds. The League is the coordinator of this caucus. Internal Policy Committees • Municipal Finance Committee • Economic Development and Land Use Committee (we use EDLUC internally) • Municipal Services Committee o Elections Subcommittee o Public Safety Subcommittee • Transportation, Infrastructure and Technology Committee • Energy and Environment Committee Core Legislative Principles —The guiding principles of the League’s legislative work. These are principles the League creates, and they are updated and approved annually by our League Board of Trustees at their summer retreat and then approved by the full League membership during the Annual Meeting that takes place at Convention. Session —SFAD uses this term internally and it means when the House and Senate are actively in Lansing conducting legislative business. We also use the term in-district , which means the legislators are not in session, but they are in their home districts doing legislative business.
MAY 2024
Grammar, Punctuation, Capitalization, etc.
Capitalization —For headlines and first headers, follow headline-style capitalization: • Capitalize the first and last words regardless of type; all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, some conjunctions. • Lowercase the articles the , a , and an . • Lowercase prepositions of all lengths unless they are used adverbially or adjectively ( Look Up , Turn Down ). • For second and third headers or those with punctuation, use sentence-style capitalization. Commas —In a series of related words or topics, place the comma before the and (following Chicago Style) like this: we love where you live, play, and enjoy. But in press releases, follow AP Style and do not place the comma before the and . When an ampersand is used instead of the word and , the serial comma is not used. Dangling Modifier —A modifier describes, clarifies, or gives more detail about something. A dangling modifier is a word or phrase that modifies a word not clearly stated in the sentence. We want to avoid dangling modifiers. Ex of a dangling modifier: Walking up to the haunted house, a black cat dashed under the porch. The rule is that whatever is being modified (the doer, or the subject, of the main clause before the comma) must be the first word after the comma. In the example above, the black cat is not the one walking up to the house! We should re-write the sentence like this: Walking up to the haunted house, I saw a black cat dash under the porch . Or: Seeing me walk up to the haunted house, a black cat dashed under the porch. • Lowercase the conjunctions and, but, for, or , and nor . • Lowercase to as part of an infinitive ( to Run, to Vote ).
MAY 2024
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