MML CapCon 2023 Program
State Senator Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids)
Elected to the House in 2012, and the Senate in 2018, Senator Winnie Brinks has worked to ensure every child has access to a world-class education, fought to end abuse and neglect at the Grand Rapids Home for Veterans, and led the fight to protect West Michigan’s drinking water. Senator Brinks is dedicated to keeping Grand Rapids and West Michigan an economic leader,
supporting small businesses, and the people who work for them. Senator Brinks won re-election in November as Democrats flipped both the Michigan House and Senate. Her caucus members elevated her to the Senate Majority Leader. She is the party’s first Senate Majority Leader in 40 years and the first woman from either major party to ever hold the title. While she made history, she also embraced the idea that everybody in our state should see themselves reflected in the highest offices in our state. As Senator Brinks assembled her leadership team, she put those words into action and appointed Senator Sarah Anthony as the first Black woman to lead the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Senate President Pro Tempore Jeremy Moss as the highest ranking openly gay official in Michigan legislative history. This commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion directly aligns with the values set forth by the League’s Board of Trustees. Since her first days in office, Senator Brinks has been a friend and ally to the League on our issues and a strong supporter of local governments across the state. She works closely with the communities and neighborhoods within her district, understanding the value of community wealth building and the need to invest in residents, businesses, and place. League members have consistently identified access to workforce and attainable housing as one of the most pressing issues facing their communities today. Senator Brinks was the lead sponsor in a four-bill package that will provide housing tools for every community in Michigan. Through Senator Brinks’ tireless advocacy, she was able to successfully secure passage of these bills during lame duck. Senator Brinks understands the importance of reinvesting in Michigan’s people and places. She is a skilled lawmaker who doesn’t shy away from tough issues and effectively brings legislators together. Senator Brinks deserves our thanks and appreciation for her commitment to her community and local government overall.
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