TheReview_Jan_Feb_2022 Flipping Book

By John R. Jackson, AICP

ccording to the Amer ican Planning Association, “The goal of planning is to maximize the health, safety, and economic well-being of all people living in our communities. This involves thinking about how we c an move around our community, how we c an attract and retain thriving businesses, wher e we wan t to live, and opportunities for recreation. Planning helps create communities of lasting value.” Zoning is a method of urban planning in which a municipality or other tier of government divides land into areas called zones, each of which has a set of regulations for new development that differs from other zones. Zones may be defined for a single use (e.g., residential, industrial) they may combine several compatible activities by use. . . The planning rules for each zone determine whether planning permission for a given development may be granted. . . These guidelines are set in order to guide urban growth and development. (Wikipedia). The elected governing body (city/village council or township board) is primarily responsible for setting the direction of the community. The role of planning and zoning in determining that direction is substantial: It addresses how land in the community is to be used in the future. Councils are the key drivers of land use policy. Several activities of the elected body have an impact on community land use. Perhaps the three most important are: (1) adopting and amending plans and Land Use Policy— Setting a Direction for the Future

ordinances; (2) approving some types of development proposals; and (3) making appointments to boards and commissions. To effectively use these tools to lead the community in the desired direction, it is important to have a good understanding of the planning and zoning function.

Planning and Zoning Function: Teamwork Makes the Dream Work

The planning and zoning team is made up of the local governing body, planning commission, and zoning board of appeals. Each of these boards and commissions have clearly defined roles and responsibilities in carrying out the planning and zoning functions of the community as spelled out in the Michigan Planning Enabling Act (MPEA) and the Michigan Zoning Enabling Act (MZEA). This is your community’s planning and zoning team! To be successful this team needs to be in regular communication with each other, have the same solid understanding of their duties in the planning and zoning process, and a clear understanding of the community’s plan.

If You Want to Plan for Land Use, There Are Requirements Master Plan

Not only is the master plan required if your community has a zoning ordinance, but there are also many other practical benefits to having an up-to-date master plan. Master plans communicate the specific vision of the community such as strategic growth management, aggressive economic



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