Our Future Communities Start Here

He goes on to say that failures will occur, they’re inevitable, but there is no growth without risk. Community leaders must face these challenges head-on, dust themselves off when things don’t go as planned, and take the next calculated risk if they are to grow. The future for Rogers City is just blossoming into what will be. Seven sites are under construction within the program, but Hefele has high hopes for even more. Restoring an old high school and converting it into modern residential units is another project on the horizon, with hotels, and public gathering places not far behind. “Things often happen in fits and starts. Community leaders must be patient and remain positive despite the hurdles.” — Joe Hefele, Rogers City Manager

OPPORTUNITY: Revitalize vacant spaces to boost tourism and the local economy as a vibrant exploration destination. OBSTACLE: Excessive construction costs burden the community. PREDEVELOPMENT ASSISTANCE: Reducing costs and community impact by offering strategic counsel, connecting to resources, and facilitating problem solving with economical solutions. COMMUNITY PROGRESS: Seven sites under construction, with more to come.

Predevelopment Assistance Partnership 53

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