Our Future Communities Start Here
It’s not a quick progression from vision to development, but the reward comes from putting in the extra effort to keep the momentum going—a benefit of being involved with the predevelopment assistance partnership. Knight said she is grateful for the support received through the predevelopment assistance partnership as it increased the pace of the redevelopment process. Onsite visits, visioning package creation, and other program opportunities were integral in getting Farmington’s plans to where they are now, with expectations to add more projects to the roster in the near future.
“We are seeing the kind of development that we’d want to see in the next five to 10 years happening now,” Knight said. “A brewery, pharmacy, and new eateries, all building off investment help from the public sector.” The reimagining of a 50-year-old family business will soon become a part of Farmington’s redevelopment celebrations, creating jobs and contributing to the city’s fiscal growth and increasing its current 97% downtown occupancy rate to even greater heights.
Predevelopment Assistance Partnership 25
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