Michigan Municipal Leauge Review Magazine March/April 2023

Municipal Q&A

Q. I am new to local government and am not familiar with a lot of acronyms I hear. Do you have a cheat sheet of definitions?

(LCC) Liquor Control Commission

(LDFA) Local Development Financing Authority may be created to encourage local development, to prevent conditions of unemployment, and to promote growth

A. Here are some common local government acronyms:

(BAN) Bond Anticipation Notes

(MCL) Michigan Compiled Laws

(BID) Business Improvement District may be created to develop a more successful and profitable business climate in a defined area, and to collect revenues, levy special assessments, and issue bonds to pay for its activities (BRA) Brownfield Redevelopment Authority may be created to clean up contaminated sites, allowing the property to revert to productive economic use

(MPEA) Michigan Planning Enabling Act

(MZEA) Michigan Zoning Enabling Act

(NIMBY) “Not in My Back Yard,’’ referring to placement of controversial projects such as foster care homes, prisons, nuclear waste sites, landfills, etc.

(CDBG) Community Development Block Grant

(OMA) Open Meetings Act

(CIP) Capital Improvements Program

(OPEB) Other Post-Employment Benefits

(CRA) Cannabis Regulatory Agency, a department within LARA (see LARA)

(PA) Public Act

(PC) Planning Commission

(Dark Stores) Large retailers ("Big Box" stores), have convinced the Michigan Tax Tribunal to give them special treatment as it pertains to the market value of their property

(PPT) Personal Property Tax

(PSD) Principal Shopping District may be created to develop or redevelop a principal shopping area and to collect revenues, levy special assessments, and issue bonds

(DEI) Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

(DDA) Downtown Development Authority may be created to halt property value deterioration, to increase property tax valuation in the business district, to eliminate the causes of deterioration and to promote economic growth (EDC) Economic Development Corporation may be created to alleviate and prevent conditions of unemployment and to assist industrial and commercial enterprises

(PUD) Planned Unit Development

(QBS) Qualification-Based Selection of Consultants

(RFP) Request for Proposals

(SEV) State Equalized Value

(FOIA) Freedom of Information Act

(ZBA) Zoning Board of Appeals (in some municipalities it is called the BZA, Board of Zoning Appeals)

(FLSA) Fair Labor Standards Act

We are requesting information on municipal Citizen academies. Please let us know if you have one by sending an email to info@mml.org. The League's Information Service provides member officials with answers to questions on a vast array of municipal topics. Call 800.553.2483 or email info@mml.org.

(FMLA) Family and Medical Leave Act

(GASB) Governmental Accounting Standards Board

(GIS) Geographic Information System

(HAZMAT) Hazardous materials




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