Michigan Municipal League_The Review_July-Aug 2022

Negaunee Mayor Dana LaLonde

"I fell in love with Negaunee years ago while volunteering at the annual Teal Lake Swim for Diabetes before choosing to buy my home here in 2015. The growing community is very welcoming to me and my sons. I decided to

take a vested interest in actively participating in local government after attending a city council meeting regarding Teal Lake. That first council meeting was an inspiring example of Negaunee’s community spirit and passion for its shared history,

Mayor LaLonde at the lighting of the traditional bonfire during the annual Heikki Lunta (the Finnish snow god) festival held on January 28-29, 2022 in Negaunee.

hopes, and aspirations. I loved it! I volunteered for the special advisory committee on blight and served as a voter inspector for several elections. I am currently the only woman serving on the city council. Through my civic involvement, I hope to encourage my sons and more women to get involved in local government, community groups, or other organizations." LaLonde was elected in 2021 and has served on Negaunee’s city council since 2019. She also works as a financial aid counselor at Northern Michigan University and serves on the Marquette County Central Dispatch Policy Board. She studied at Northern Michigan University and held a variety of positions there before her current one. Previously, she worked at UAW Local 1950 and the Peter White Public Library. Morgan Schwanky is a content developer for the League. You may contact her at 734.669.6320 or mschwanky@mml.org.

“They’re always available to provide advice on most planning or zoning issues and their advice is based on 35 years of experience in numerous communities throughout Michigan.” R. Brent Savidant, planning director, City of Troy 63 Michigan communities have a 22-person planning department. You can, too.

Carlisle | Wortman A S S O C I AT E S, I N C.


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