Michigan Municipal League Review Magazine September/October 2023

. . . nearly 60 percent of respondents thought that there was already a program that helped low-income households with their water bills.

What Do Michiganders Think? In recent statewide public polling, we learned that nearly 80 percent of respondents believed that people should have access to water. More interestingly, nearly 60 percent of respondents thought that there was already a program that helped low-income households with their water bills. A common response from individuals we surveyed when they learned there was no state or federal assistance was along the lines of, “we help people with food, housing, heat and light, medical care and telecommunications . . . how can we not help with something as essential as water?” This polling also revealed that a majority of voters in Michigan support the creation of a statewide water assistance program for low-income families, funded with a monthly $1.00 to $2.00 surcharge on everyone’s water bill to create a statewide assistance fund. In the polls there was majority support in every region of the state and within each demographic group, and overall support being over two to one. The two most common reasons people give for supporting a statewide program like this are “to help people less fortunate” and “everyone deserves clean drinking water, it’s the right thing to do.”

TNC has been proud to work with communities and our neighbors for over 70 years to protect beautiful places we all can enjoy and the waters that are our shared heritage. Now, we look forward to working with the Michigan Municipal League, our water utilities, and all of you to make sure every Michigander has access to safe, clean, and affordable water. Rich Bowman is the director of policy for TNC in Michigan. You may contact him at 517-881-0300 or rich_bowman@TNC.ORG.

The Nature Conservancy (TNC) TNC is the world’s leading conservation organization with offices in all 50 states and more than 70 countries around the world, working to conserve the lands and waters upon which all life depends.




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