MML The Review MarchApr 2021 Magazine


Michigan Association of Mayors Membership Offers Great Benefits By Pauline Repp

A s we embark upon the New Year and reflect on the year 2020, I believe it is time to re-group and assess those things that have value in our life—both professionally and personally. While I can’t pretend to know what is best in everyone’s personal life, other than to take the necessary precautions to stay healthy and COVID-free, I can encourage your membership and participation in the Michigan Association of Mayors (MAM). Normally at the first of the year, MAM sends out a notice to the mayors/presidents/supervisors of Michigan cities, villages, and townships to either renew their membership in MAM or to consider joining or rejoining MAM so that their community can reap the benefits of belonging to an association that encourages the involvement and education of their chief elected official. Due to COVID-19 and its limitations, the notice this year was sent by email, and you should have already received it. Membership gives you the opportunity to network with others in similar positions and circumstances, which I consider one of the premier benefits. Beyond the recognition (membership certificate, lapel pin, decal, etc.), MAM membership offers the following: • Legislative Breakfast—Held during Michigan Municipal League’s (MML) CapCon, providing an opportunity to talk to your legislative representatives. • MAM Summer Workshop—This year it will be held in Sault Ste. Marie, Aug. 11-13 (assuming conditions allow). • Participation in MAM Listserv—An online forum that encourages communication between colleagues. Some of the topics addressed in 2020 were affordable housing, declarations of racism as a public health crisis, virtual meetings, and political protests.

Port Huron Mayor Pauline Repp, president of the Michigan Association of Mayors


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