MML The Review MarchApr 2021 Magazine

New Legislative Team Local government leaders join the lineup

By League Staff

T hrough the years, the seats of the Michigan House and Senate have been filled with legislators from a wide variety of backgrounds. Doctors, lawyers, businesses owners, and more have brought their expertise and passion to their legislative role in Lansing. Michigan Municipal League is particularly pleased when municipal leaders join the roster of state legislators. Their experience puts them in a unique position to advocate for municipalities across the state. They understand the issues that cities, villages, and urban townships face every day.

Chris Hackbarth, director of state & federal affairs for the League, on the importance of having municipal officials in Lansing, “Working with legislators who come from local government is so important to our advocacy efforts. These legislators come to Lansing with an existing understanding of the importance of local control and the challenges of balancing municipal budgets. They become instant allies in our efforts to support and promote local government.”


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