MML Sponsorship Brochure

Sponsorship options this year include three core levels and additional add-on options. The core levels offer exceptional value and allow you to select the audience engagement that works best for your needs. This year, we’ve also added add-on options that highlight the unique features of the Grand Hotel. Use these options to enhance a core sponsorship level, mix and match add-on options to create a custom sponsorship package, or select an item a la carte. Either way, you’ll be sure to find value and connection at each level while celebrating one of Michigan’s unique settings. Every option listed below, including core and add-on, include minimally one free Convention registration, logo placement on the Convention website, within the Convention program, and on site, and access to our registration list before and after Convention. Everything listed within is available on a first come, first served basis. To talk further please reach out to our team at


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