MML 2021 Convention Program & Agenda

YOUR HEALTH AND SAFETY ARE IMPORTANT! With the return to an in-person Convention, the Michigan Municipal League team is dedicated to ensuring a great experience and keeping you safe. Throughout the pandemic we have followed Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) orders and that will continue throughout Convention. We are also closely monitoring Kent County Health Department orders. Compliance with these agencies and utilizing other best practice health and safety meeting protocols are designed to ensure everyone’s safety regarding COVID-19.

HERE IS WHAT YOU CAN EXPECT: Respect the Red We will be providing red wristbands and stickers for attendees who are less comfortable with the close proximity of other guests, as well as physical touch. We request that attendees, speakers, staff, and sponsors

allow those with a red wristband or sticker to engage at their comfort level. Let them take the lead. Those with red wristbands or stickers will engage in group conversations, handshakes, fist bumps, and hugs at their discretion. Masks Out of an abundance of caution and safety for our guests, Michigan Municipal League staff will be adhering to MDHHS recent recommendations of wearing masks throughout the event. The League highly encourages ALL participants (attendees, sponsors, and speakers) to wear a mask while indoors at the event, with the exception of eating and drinking. Masks are required on buses that transport attendees to local tours. Hand Cleaning Hand sanitizer stations will be available throughout the event. Touchless hand sanitizer stations will be available at the Amway Grand Plaza. Regular hand washing is critical to reduce the spread of COVID-19. Venue Our Convention venue, Amway Grand Plaza, is doing everything possible to ensure our space is equipped to reduce community spread. From readily available hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes, to increased scheduled cleaning and changes to their amenities and services, the venue is committed to protecting your wellbeing while using their space for learning and enjoyment. To view more about what our venue is doing, please visit



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