MML 2021 Convention Program & Agenda

2030 District Tour Tour Starting Location: 220 Lyon Street, Bus Tour— MASK REQUIRED The Grand Rapids 2030 District is a public-private partnership committed to creating high-performing buildings and smart mobility options that drawdown carbon in Grand Rapids’ built environment, increase marketability and profitability of property owners, and strengthen the greater community’s vibrancy. Evolution of Grand Rapids Tour Starting Location: 220 Lyon Street, Walking Tour Tour Guide: Mark Miller, Managing Director of Planning and Design Downtown Grand Rapids, Inc. See how far Grand Rapids has come—in such a short period of time! Mark Miller from Grand Rapids Inc. will lead you on a walking tour of downtown Grand Rapids, take you to Bridge Street via the shuttle bus, then head to Uptown. If there is time, a trip to Grandville Ave. will happen as well—especially the Plaza Roosevelt project.

10:15 AM–NOON BREAKOUT SESSIONS Location: Updating the Master Plan Sponsored by Speakers:

Ambassador East–Amway Grand

Lynée Wells, Founder & CEO, Aligned Planning Andrew Moore, Executive & Planner, Williams+Works Christopher Germain, Senior RRC Planner, MEDC

Whether a routine five-year update, or the first big rewrite in a while, updating your master plan is a chance to engage residents and think about your community’s assets and aspirations. This session will be a refresher on the basic requirements of the Michigan Planning Enabling Act, as well as a discussion of how new tools and trends affect your planning.

General Law Village–What’s New & What’s Not Location:

Ambassador West–Amway Grand


Roberto Valdez, Village President, Blissfield


John Schrier, Attorney, Parmenter Law, Traverse City Robert La Fave, Village Manager, L’Anse



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