CapCon 2024 Program

Congratulations! 2024 Legislator of the Year Award Recipient

State Representative Mark Tisdel (R-Rochester Hills) Representative Mark Tisdel has proudly represented the 55th House District in the Michigan House of Representatives since 2021. This includes the cities of Rochester and Rochester Hills, as well as part of

Oakland Township. Prior to his service in the Michigan Legislature, he served on the Rochester Hills City Council for eight years—four of those years as council president. In the House, Representative Tisdel has been a leader on bipartisan issues, including previously introducing legislation to address the interaction between the Headlee Amendment and Proposal A to stabilize local government finances. Most recently, he worked in bi-partisan fashion to champion the creation of a Revenue Sharing Trust Fund, which would better secure and protect statutory revenue sharing. Through his efforts, Representative Tisdel was able to secure broad support from both sides of the aisle and successfully worked to pass the legislation out of the House of Representatives by a vote of 106-4. He continues to offer his unwavering support to this legislation and is actively working to secure final passage in the Senate and the signature of Governor Whitmer. Representative Tisdel understands the importance of reinvesting in Michigan’s people and places. He is a skilled lawmaker who doesn’t shy away from tough issues and effectively brings legislators together. Representative Tisdel deserves our thanks and appreciation for his commitment to his community and local government overall.


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